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Tungsten weighted spinners

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I'm posting pics of my latest spinner inventions because I was sick and tired of using cheap thin wired rooster tails and mepps with trailers I did not like, not to mention that casting them on baitcasting equipment was a pain! Tungsten weights make SUPER lure bodies for in-line spinners and no more backlashes! I'm still experimenting with different blade types and weights to calculate depth on straight retrieve. Can't wait for mojo to come out with their tungsten mojo weights for a slimmer profile in-line. Anybody know how to paint tungsten yet? The paint choices leave a lot to be desired. [/img] Sorry about the glare!










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Hi there Soupysayso,

Where are you getting the tungsten? I did a little research on tungsten earlier this year and I'll attach the reply I received. Do you have better information? What do you think?


Thanks for your message. Tungsten alloy is much denser than lead, but

unfortunately it is not possible to cast it, as tungsten's melting


is in excess of 6000F! We could supply you with small diameter rod,


you could machine to size. However, this would be much more expensive

than lead. We charge something like USD 60 per lb for our tungsten


In all honesty I do not think our material is suited to your


- possibly a mix of epoxy resin and tungsten powder might be the area

you should be considering.

Best regards

Steve Jeffery

Marketing Manager

M&I Materials Ltd


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Hey Deadly, I dont think Soupy is pouring his own Tung. It appears he is using the Tung. worm weights. I am planning on using the same for my Steelhead and salmon spinners this season. Much heavier weight in a more compact package.

As for painting, I will have to do some experimenting with Powder, vinal/Etex, or Etex over glitter like I use on my Spinnerbait heads.

I think they have a ceramic insirt? Im sure this will hold up to the heating for powder.

Mr B

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My fault for not clarifying, I am NOT pouring my own tungsten.....as was stated by another user, much too difficult. Here's what I've found out about tungsten thus far. One company selling tungsten weights actually uses a tungsten "core" with lead poured around it. I won't name names but it's not the company I went with. Those weights on my spinners are penetrator weights. They come in about 4 colors and I'd kill for white :twisted: ! Based on what I read about painting tungsten, one cannot do it easily, explaining the lack of colors available. I'm not real sure what effect sandpaper would have on them, they're friggin hard as a rock! Wouldn't the hardness pretty much negate the effect of sandpaper? I'm pretty sure the self-etching lacquer is used though....I get sketchy details from my sources. As for creating your own....I agree that tungsten powder may be the way to go, perhaps a mixture with lead or some other more workable material. I read one website that discussed shooting tungsten powder out of an airbrush....the site escapes me at the moment, try a websearch for "tungsten powder". My next batch of spinners will resemble the "mepps flying c" with white tubing covering the weight and giving it that fluke look......this all spawned out of aaron martens performance at the bassmaster classic. I got the most information from emailing mojo weights and asking them about their coming soon product of a tungsten mojo weight. Personally, I can't wait!

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