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Heres a laminate stik I did

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Over the weekend... since I was not feeling good the last week and the weekend ,I decided to play with some baits. I poured these it was very easy to do with mikes instructions.


How the heck have all you guys been LTNS.

Red nice b-sing with ya the other day as well....


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This tip is from Mike in canada and its might be very useful to some of you



"The easiest way is to open up your Del-Mart mold and pour one color on the side with the pins on it as if you were doing a hand pour. Start at the tail and pour straight through past the opening in one sweeping motion. Be careful not to over pour as the mold will not close up tight and if its possible, trim off the section in the pouring chamfer. You must have the other color hot and ready to go or else your lamination will not adhere properly. It takes some practice and some wasted plastic, so if you have some old stuff to practice with...all the better. Quickly close the mold and slowly pour your second color, the hotter the better as it flows easier and clogs less.

Have fun and dont give up...I just get another rum & pepsi and cuss abit more to get pass the trial and error stuff


Mike Nabulsi


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They look just as good as anything I've seen Nathan. I do have a few questions for you 2-part molds guys though............

I know it's been explained before (probably 1000 times!), but I'm still not getting the picture on how to laminate a 2-part mold. Looking at Del's pictures, the two colors look almost like a perfect "half and half" line in the middle. Are these 2 colors hot enough to mold together? When pouring in a one-piece mold, I always have one color running into the other. Does a 2-part mold eliminate this?

Here's the way I picture it......and please correct me on ANYTHING that I'm missing 'cause I don't know a thing about 2-part molds :| .........

you've got 2 flat sides that (when closed together) form a round bait. Now taking Nathan's example.....do you pour watermelon in one side, pearl in the other, then close the mold? If that's the case, does some of the plastic run out of the mold? Isn't this pretty time consuming? I know it sounds stupid fellas, but that's the way I see it. :oops:

And this brings about one final question.......

is there any way to pour a vein in a 2-part mold?

Hate to dump all this on you guys, but I'm lost here. :lol:


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No Al what you do is take the mold apart and pour one color the pearl is what I did first fill the one side close to full then let it cool and put the whole mold back together leaving the pearl in the mold. The pouring hole will be about 1/2 full so you have to pour kind of slow so you don't clog up the mold, but then you would pour your second color into the mold and let cool, it's a little more time consuming and a little tricky but not too bad. I've let the first color cool and as long as the second color is hot it seems to adhere to the first color great. Now as far as the vein goes I don't see why not you would just have to not pour as much of the pearl in my instance just don't fill it up too far then pour that second color and put the mold back together should work out. I'll try it out if you want today.


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I like those colors Del ! I think they will fool Mrs Bucketmouth for sure. I've been doing a few more laminates as well and have found a way to short cut the process slightly. When you pour the first half, start at the tail and work your way to about a 1/4 inch from the head and then go backwards stopping the pour. The plastic will flow almost to the front of the cavitiy on its own even though you stopped abit short of the end. This way you dont have to trim off any excess before you close the mold to pour the second color. I tried putting the salt in the blender and it turns it into powder very easily. Adding salt powder makes the sinkos more durable. They turn out abit more whitish and opaque, but you can add more salt which makes them heavier.

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Hey Del, yours look pretty good to me. As for the tourneys, from how you describe the lakes you fish, sounds like it would be tough for anyone. With very little cover, bank fishing is probably what most guys do. Your day will come :) ....and I changed my handle to Tubeman as I dont have an aluminum boat anymore....but I got a heck of a lot of tubes now 8O

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Anyone tried multiple pour holes to create a laminate for a two part mold? Pour half in the first part of the mold, close it up and then pour the remaining portion from drilled holes from the top, I've had to do this with some of my curly tails in two piece but its really only a single additional hole over the lower tail area.

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