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What do you guys think about this?

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A musky site I frequent recently announced that they are going to raise money in honor of a recently deceased young man to plant musky fry into a several lakes. They were asking for tackle donations from tacklebuilders and others which they intend to auction off. What a great idea! What if we at TU did something similar?

I'm wondering if guys on this site (TU MEMBERS) would be interested in donating some tackle (custom made or otherwise) to raise money for a donation of some type at or near the holiday season. Exactly "who" we would donate the money to is up for discussion. Perhaps we could give the money to a fishing club that takes kids fishing, or to a family that is in desperate need of financial assistance, or maybe to a critically ill child. The money would be donated from the "tacklebuilders at TU". We could agree upon a time to have an "online auction here at TU" or elsewhere, it would be great fun and likely lead to something very worthwhile for all involved.

Anyone else interested in this? I will toss in some of my tackle (custom and otherwise) to get things rolling and would be more than happy to donate my time as necessary to organize the process. Additional details can be worked out with Jerry (TU Owner) as necessary.


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Can send some soft baits in a new worm binder.

This would be a cool thing to do annually or more often at holidays (theme baits like 4th of July red, white and blue stik baits, X-mas, etc.).

Just from all the posts I read with members helping each other out, TU members can use all of that talent to help others less fortunate.

I like the idea of helping folks that take kids fishing.


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You guys rule! Ok, once we have a source that we would like to help, we can then talk about who will be donating what and how we will sell the items.

Sounds like many of you are interested in helping kids, I agree. I particularly like the idea of raising money for physically challenged kids to go fishing. My wife was telling me she read about projects to build special docks for kids to use....one that is more crutch and wheelchair freindly, perhaps we could help with something like this.

I'm thinking it would be nice to donate our efforts to one child, a few children, one family, one club, or perhaps one project. I say this because I think we could make a much bigger impact in someone's life if we focus on helping a few rather than many. If we choose to send our efforts to a large organization we will likely never see how our efforts helped someone. Did that make sense?

Anyway, I am open to all suggestions for a source to donate to. Anyone involved in a fishing club that already does something like this? Anyone have a family member or friend that may be challenged and participates in fishing events? I will do some surfing tonight and see what I can come up with.


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Hey Jed,

You should consider possibly donating the tackle itself rather than going thru the extra work & expense of converting it to cash.

If you have a charity in mind that needs the money, then I understand, but theres alot of organizations out there that would probably take the donated baits & other tackle directly, old rods, etc..

Anyone interested should call thier local fish & game office to ask about any local groups in need of handmade or second hand tackle.

I just missed a local kids fishing clinic that would have been perfect to donate to. Going thru the proper channels of course. You dont wanna just show up & start passing out hooks to kids. :)

I read a few articles where US troops stationed in the middle east have been having thier families ship them over thier fishing gear to use on their leisure time, I hear theyre catching good fish.

My wife sells (eBay) to a captain over there & could get us some more info on how to go about it if that seems like a worthwhile cause.

Just some ideas, it seems a shame to take the work of such talented luremakers & turn it into cash. I personally would be more appreciative of seeing the tackle first hand........ not that I dont like cash, mind you :wink:

You guys are the most generous group of people Ive met online or in the real world. you should be proud.

If theres anything I can do, lemme know.

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St Judes Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, TN is a leader in cancer research for children. They hold the biggest bass tournament in the state of Mississippi every year. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 300 boats. All proceeds go to the children. It's hosted by the Memphis bass club. Something like this might be good. I'm sure there's other events like this nationwide.

By the way count me in.

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I thought about your suggestion, it certainly would simplify things. I'm wondering tho if it may be difficult to match the wide variety of tackle from builders on this site to the needs of a particular recipient. For example, I build musky lures and others here tie flies, make rubber worms, cranbaits, etc. How would a kid on a pond with bluegill be able to use this tackle? A monetary gift on our part, however, would provide the recipient with the flexibility to buy the necessary tackle, provide transportation, photos, whatever to make the trip the best possible. Cash would also leave the group at TU with a wide variety of sponsor options, we could help build a handicap accessible dock for example or send several kids to a fishing camp or help some less fortunate kids buy a winter coat. Just my thoughts and I am entirely open to any suggestions others might have.

I'm not sure exactly how we will handle the auction tho, here or elsewhere and it would probably be best for TU to handle the money and official transfer to the recipient. It might bring a good number of people to this site for the auction tho Jerry if we were to post it at various other fishing newsgroups, etc.

I wrote several potential recipients last night and have yet to receive a response from any of them.

Come on guys, Any ideas?


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true, good points.

I guess with money converted you have more options on how to use it.

Are you willing to organize something like this Jed?

I recommend that if you wanna auction to raise the funds, to use eBay, besides, our auction platform isnt quite ready yet.

I have a moderator I can ask to handle the actual auctions if you dont wanna do it, but referring to your mention of promoting via newsgroups & other venues, please be sure to abide by all guidlines set forth by the sites/groups. We surely dont wanna have our site pulled for spamming newsgroups. Im sure you know of this, just wanted to make sure everyone involved knows.

this is an ambitious project & I'd love to see it be successful. I'll help however I can.

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I'm encrusted with saw-dust at the moment, but I'll put in a quick one here. I'll go for CASH or conversion to cash. When we have the $$ if a worthy cause is found we're ready to give. We can set up some kind of trust or someting along that line here at TU.

This can be an on going thing too, set up month auctions/sales to raise the coifer. If we can raise enough to get the funds rolling and a little bit self maintaining we can even have a page where those with need can apply. This means a lot of work for people to maintain it though but it then wounldn't be a on-off kind of thing. Just my 2 cents.

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With the Holidays coming up and the tragedy taking place in our country these days,this is a good thing to do.Its a great feeling to take place in something that effects someones life for the better. I will donate some custom painted crankbaits,spinnerbaits,and Flipping Jigs. Depending on the time frame Its very possible to get some guys to autograph a few plugs. I will watch the site for info to see if this is a go! God Bless JP

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Jerry and others,

I would be happy to organize the entire thing. I kind of wish we could have the auction here tho as I think the "bids for kids" would be higher. Guys on Ebay, me included, are looking for a steal. Unless Ebay forbids it, however, I could preface the items with the fact that the dollars would be used for charity which might help some. To be honest I would rather not handle the money tho but will it there is no other way around it.

I will not post anything about the auction without first receiving your permission Jerry.



Do you know of any charity/organization that we could work with?



Hey maybe that would work for us, will see if I can find a contact person.


Gone chinook fishing at 5am tomorrow boys, gonna be awesome! Cold beers and pure chrome!


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