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Super Ron

Defective Blanks

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Hey guys.   I recently purchased some defective baits (not by choice).  I bought 50 of a particular blank and over half had bills that were crooked.   And even the ones with the best places bills would not tune.   I sent the supplier an email explaining the defective baits.   I was polite and just explained the situation and said he may want to check his stock and manufacturer.     I did not ask for a refund or anything.  And in the same email, asked if he had a certain blank in stock (to me this shows I want to do business with this company).

8 days later the reply came and said he was not calling me a liar but he has had no issues with that blank.      What got me was the I'm not calling you a liar but.    If you say you are not calling me a liar and then say but.    Aren't you calling me a liar?

Ok done with my rant and on to a question:   Do any of you have experience with a particular style or model bait that no matter where you purchase it from they are just junk?  It kinda would be nice to have a list somewhere to warn some of us of blanks not to purchase.  I don't have money to just blow on junk nor do I want to paint and maybe 1 day sell junk with my name attached to it.

BTW:  I have sent 2 emails with pictures to the supplier and a third asking if he had received them.    No word back.    

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I don’t much like defensive blank sellers.  But I’d also buy a few test blanks before springing for a big buy, regardless of past experience with that seller.  It’s just the nature of the beast with generic Asian blanks that the quality can vary from very good to dismal.  If he knows the quality is poor, he should take it up with his supplier and not  stick his customers with the baits.  If he knows.  And if your complaint gets no redress, well, do what you think is best.

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There are some great bait body venders on TU. Look at it this way if you have a bad taste in your mouth and feel you have done everything you could I would post a pic or two here and say the name.

I have seen a few sellers who get very appreciative of you once the word is out and it carries through our community, including Facebook.

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Personally I'm not keen  on the  idea of guy's naming and complaining about specific companies on here, absolutely not doubting problems you had ron , but too easy for guy's with a personal chip on shoulder with some problem with a small company to ruin someone's reputation on Internet forums with no good reason whatsoever.  Again, I'm absolutely not suggesting this is the case here ,and fact you never mentioned the companies name suggests to me you are being completely genuine , in my opinion you are correct not to name.....glider

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I can agree with both sides of the discussion.    I won't name the company because this could be an isolated instance and I don't know what this issue is.   As I would not want someone to post something negative on me that anyone can see.  

Also I am not asking for money back (as I told the seller), either I threw the noticeably defective baits out in disgust or they were painted before I realized the issue.    Again the seller knows this.     What kills me is the not replying to pictures sent and the word liar.

I suppose I know to buy a sample next time.


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Well Gliders, you have been around for some time and you have seen what it will do. I'll agree with this I've some goofs post before they did things properly.

Yet this person is setting ready to get the next person. Boy........ I wouldn't mind shaping the ax if it was me. Maybe not for me but to help the next person coming a long.

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It's a tricky one dale, I'm all for shining a light on the good guy's, nor do I have a dog in this fight. I also get that it's good to let fellow builders know the dodgy suppliers to avoid. Just not sure this is the place to be doing it ?  Is it actually allowed on here ? I'll but out on this one because I'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing......

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  On 11/21/2017 at 12:33 AM, gliders said:

It's a tricky one dale, I'm all for shining a light on the good guy's, nor do I have a dog in this fight. I also get that it's good to let fellow builders know the dodgy suppliers to avoid. Just not sure this is the place to be doing it ?  Is it actually allowed on here ? I'll but out on this one because I'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing......


The whole point to revealing a vendor who cannot come to grips with the fact he may have provided inferior product absolutely deserves a call out especially if he flat out refuses to discuss the matter, the simple fact he never had issues with that blank tells me he does not look at the product just counts and ships or worse and is just a middle man who does not even touch the product,  this is not about degrading someone on the forum it is educating the unsuspecting that they may choose to look elsewhere so I'll digress and ask where then should this be posted as it's clear that the OP is not interested in a good ole internet donnybrook just a little consideration and discussion about a substandard product.

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This is such a tough problem, and sometimes we are inclined to be a bit too politically correct.

Years ago I got a bunch of small plastic cranks to work on my airbrush painting skills, figuring I would hand them out to the kids.  They looked awesome, but the factory ballast was completely off.  With the suggested hooks they would roll right out of the water, but with one size heavier they would dive but would not swim or "wiggle" at all at anything less than hyper speed retrieve.  

I do regret not at least complaining to the company, but I just wrote it off as my stupidity.  I have not purchased "blanks" again.

We do need a product review thread.  I will "report" Super Ron's post, and as an explanation I will state that I agree we need this option.  Perhaps Kurt or Nathan will see it and agree.  After all, you get product reviews from Cabela's and Bass Pro Shops.  Something set up like that would be useful.

  On 11/21/2017 at 12:48 AM, Super Ron said:

I don' know anyone on this forum and not sure who to ask.   But I have mentioned it before.  TU needs a pinned thread or threads on product reviews.     Might keep things like this from happening



PS, if I did buy blanks again, I for sure would be asking for advice from this site.  I am not going to toss money into the toilet again with the last company I used, even though that was many years ago.

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I think this is a can of worms.  Yes there are sellers that don’t pay enough attention to the quality of the blanks they sell, or take a defensive attitude when a complaint comes in, or who just won’t respond to a complaint.  There are buyers who paid money in good faith for blanks they can’t use because of defects.  Undoubtedly, most of the posts I’ve seen concerning this problem are valid complaints.  But I don’t discount the possibility that a buyer can be unrealistic about what he is buying or too quick to publicly criticize a seller without contacting him to discuss the problem and ask for redress in a polite and businesslike manner.  What’s fair?  Does TU and its members really want to get in the business of arbitrating disputes when we only know one side of the issue?

 I’ve been burned a couple of times buying blanks.  It made me wary of  knockoff blanks from Asian sources, so I try to vet sellers as best I can and then seek opinions on specific lure models before I order.  This can be a shady corner of the marketplace, so you pays your money and takes your chances, IMO.

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Bob, I understand your concern, and I totally agree to a point.

When I see a review on say Cabela's, I first look to see how many stars it has, 1 to 5.  If it has at least 3 stars (and enough reviews to be valid), I then look at the one and two star reviews.  Almost all the time you can tell when the reviewer has no knowledge of the product they bought and had no business even owning it.  LOL  I remember one review where the person complained because the instructions did not say of the "spinning reel" was to be held below the rod or above it.

I have seen a lot of those review boards where the product representative could respond as well.  Often the review was "contact me", sometimes it is clarification, etc.

I propose we follow the mold already cast (pun intended) and go with a 5 star system, a reason for the rating, and the ability for the product representative to respond.  One response from the buyer, one from the product representative.

BUT, I agree with Bob, we do not want TU to become an arbitrator.  

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I didn' ask for anyone from TU  to arbitrate any disputes.  I started this thread for 2 reasons.  

1.  I just wanted to vent because I didn't appreciate the word "liar"  sent in my direction

2.  Because I strongly feel that product reviews are not really seen here and if you research most any hobby, there are reviews that can help people make sound 

Here is a pic that shows the issue with the blanks.   As you can easily see the bill is crooked

And once again in case anyone hasn't read the full thread, I didn' ask for a refund, I painted most of them for practice purposes or trashed them and all I was doing was  informing the supplier to QC  his product better 




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