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Too soft??

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I recently bought a Do It croaker mold and once I finished injecting it, I let it cool for 4 to 5 minutes.. BUT it came out way too soft and mushy.  This is the same plastisol I used to pour senkos and they came out just fine.  I am new to it all so any help would be appreciated.  

I know there is hardener additive out there but I am just wondering why one mold poured and cooled fine and the other was too soft and stayed that way.

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He meant mixing it before you poured it from the container.  

All plastisol products settle, some even hard pack.  The only solution is to mix the plastisol before you even pour it from the bottle.

If it is fairly fresh, you normally only need to turn the bottle over a few times.  If it has been some time since you mixed it, you may need to shake it pretty well.  If it has been a long time, you may need to stir it in the bottle with some sort of stir device.

Mix your supply well, try it again, and let us know.  Of course, confirm you get it to 350 degrees F, either by a thermometer or by making sure it goes from milky to clear.

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Another thing to look at as most have made the not mixing mistake......

I don't know how much plastic you used for that batch, but once you've mixed the plastic properly, your next batch of baits might be too hard because the hardener is now not evenly distributed throughout the jug/container.......if that makes any sense.  A little softener should take care of that. 

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5 hours ago, mark poulson said:

I found that I had to add hardener to my med BJ plastisol for my Keitech-like swimbaits, or else they were too wiggly.   The stem of the tail is thin, and needs the stiffening.

I just bought the ES ripper mold, and I plan to do that to the plastisol I use for that mold.  

Definitely, I am going to add some as well and see how it turns out. Thanks for the help!

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