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Epoxy Primers

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Just now, mark poulson said:

Just wait until you get older.

"Life is like a roll of toilet paper.  The closer you get to the end, the faster it goes."


I tell my wife I am never growing up. She tells me I'm 35 with the mind of a 12 year old. Oooo some thing shiny!  But isn't that true with most things... "The closer you get to the end.... the faster it goes" 

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On 1/10/2018 at 11:32 AM, DingerBaits said:

Has anyone tried or had success with epoxy primers. I was watching a Youtube video, and the guy dipped his wooden lure un sealed in Epoxy primer. Looks interesting.

Can you post a link to the video. Curious to see his procedure. Tried looking but came up empty. 


On 1/11/2018 at 2:58 PM, aulrich said:


As I understand it the salt water guys just use thinned spar varnish on their big turned lures.


On 1/11/2018 at 3:35 PM, DingerBaits said:

Aulrich, that is what I wasthinking. the thinned spar varnish. I call every clear coat a poly by habit. Most of my stuff will be cedar, so i think that would work. 


Most saltwater guys who are still sealing with spar are using a 4:1 ratio of spar urethane/ Mineral Spirits. Works very well but have to give it time to dry. 


On 1/12/2018 at 11:26 AM, aulrich said:

My usual e-tex procedure is to fist mix a thinned batch 1 part resin, 1 part hardener and one part denatured (mix the resin and hardener first let it cook a min or 2 then thin). Give a light coat and put on the spinner. Check the baits every 15 min for and wet any areas that have dried out any end grain will tend to absorb more resin.  After the first hour mix a second batch of e-tex but not thinned. Apply to the baits and spin like normal.


When I first started I would do 2 coats of e-tex , apply, spin, sand, apply, spin ,sand and even if I am johny on the spot that was a 2 day turn around. I found that the newer procedure gives the nice base surface basically in one shot with out getting too heavy.


Lots of guys swear by warming baits before applying the e-tex, I have not tried it yet but I do think the theory is sound.


What kind of baits are out making, Wisconsin and ceder makes me guess muskie.



I have not done it but will be giving it a try soon. By warming the wood you are opening the pores which helps get the epoxy in deep.

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