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Lure turners

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I don’t recall seeing one for sale.  They are easy to make with a slow rpm A/c motor  and whatever contraption you bang together for the size of lures you make.  Mine runs on a synchronous 4 rpm motor I found online 15 yrs ago for $7.  Barbecue rotisserie motors are popular.  Microwave turntable motors, etc.

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Btw, I see synchronous 120V low rpm motors for sale at Amazon.com for less than $10.  I used 3 pieces of shelving wood for the basic stand, a piece of 1/2” dowel for the axle, 3 short pieces of 1/8” dowel glued into the drilled axle for the arms, and 6 alligator clips.  Total cost was maybe $15.  

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The nice part of a BBQ rotisserie motor kit is that it comes with mounting brackets that can be adapted to make a lure turner, and a spit that gives you a rotating shaft to build on.  Plus, they are designed to turn heavier loads (think turkey or beef roast) as long as the loads are pretty well balanced, but they will turn light, unbalanced loads, like a single bait, easily.

And they are available at most hardware stores and building centers.

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I used a BBQ rotisserie and mounted it in a plastic tote.   That way as they turn, it has the lid on to protect from any dust or anything that may be flying in the air.   It really sucks when you something comes out really awesome only to be ruined when a mosquito lands on your drying epoxy.   And when not in use, it just looks like a storage tote set to the side.

The rotisserie I bought was like $30 and the cheapest Menards sells.   It's lasted 2 years so far and at one point I can say it was not turned off for more than 10 seconds at a time, running 24/7 for over 6 straight months.   Definitely my moneys worth.

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