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Airbrush Question

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Question for you airbrush experts. I have an Iwata Eclipse HP-CS air brush. The problem is that the trigger does not immediately  respond when I release it. Instead it slowly comes up

while the air continues to flow until it finally stops. I'm thinking a tired spring or paint in that part of the brush. My question is,  even though they imply not to get airbrush restorer solution into that area, would it hurt to put a little restorer into that area and let it soak a few minutes before rinsing it out. The airbrush is only three years old but it hasn't been used that much so I wouldn't think the spring isn't shot yet. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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18 hours ago, ctenn said:

thanks Mark, it worked like a charm. Now if someone can teach me how to apply very light coats (just a dusting) of paint on a lure, i'd be  a happy camper. Thanks again.


Here are three things that work for me separately, or in combination:

Turn down the pressure.  

Thin the paint.

Hold the air brush farther away from the bait.     I use this most, because I don't have to adjust the air brush to get a thinner coat, but it wastes paint.  I'm just a hobby painter.  If I were a production guy, I'd find a combination of all three that worked best.

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