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How much floater to add to frogs?

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What do you Guys think about micro glass balloons as floating additive? I bought a can of them a lot of time ago, when I poured cranks in epoxy resin, but I have never tried them in plastisol. If I am not wrong, in past I read something here in TU about their use, but I really don't know the correct amount. I'm just just planning, as Bowldsie, to pour some floating Frogs for next Spring and any help could be really appreciated.

PS: I already know that micro glass balloons are terrible for our respiratory system, so mask is a must.





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12 hours ago, Cami said:

What do you Guys think about micro glass balloons as floating additive

Make sure it is the micro balloons, not the solid micro spheres.  The balloons are hollow and float, the spheres, or beads, are solid and sink like a rock.

I use the microballoons from Alumilite and it works very well.  but

On 2/16/2018 at 9:35 PM, MonteSS said:

You will need a lot of softener too. Baits will be white opaque.


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We had a formula 5 heaping tablespoons per8 ounces of plastic,also noticed in my years of using the micro ballons some plastisols dint like the stuff,we used lurecraft hard formula,we tried a lot of other plastisols and the lure would tear and break very easy,A lot of trial and error is need with this stuff depending on wht plastic you use

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11 minutes ago, Frank said:

I buy it by the five gallon bucket. Do you know how much five pounds will be volume wise.  Cause my bucket and contents does not weigh that much.  

1 pound packs in a 8x8x8 box fairly well If i recall, haven't bought in a long time. Im guessing 5lbs darn near fill a 5 gallon bucket.


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