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Best sized wire

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Hey, I have been messing around with twisting some inline spinners for panfish and bass. I want to branch out and make some spinnerbaits. What size wire could I buy in bulk that would meet the needs for both tasks. I currently use number2 clevices on my inlines. I don't want to buy multiple sizes.  I want simple and inexpensive. 

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If I understand correctly, you want to get wire to use for both in-lines for panfish and spinnerbaits for bass, correct? If that is the case then you are compromising on both ends with the panfish spinners being on the heavy side while the spinnerbait is on the light side but I will try to help.  If I was doing that and using a #2 clevis, I'd go with .028" to .031", use the smaller if you are staying under 3/8oz for your spinnerbaits and use the larger if you want to go heavier but that would be as far as I'd go.

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Toadfrog right now I am hand bending with needle nose and round bend pliers. I am just doing this for a hobby/fun. When I say panfish/bass size I am meaning 1/8 to 1/4 oz sized lures. I mainly fish small rivers and ponds in north Florida. I am not a big bass fisherman I like to catch what's biting. I have found I catch more on down sized lures not big heavy bulky lures. 

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On 3/9/2018 at 12:57 AM, toadfrog said:

.035 would be as big as you can go and still get the clevis on . I'm getting a little senile so best check the clevis hole . Might I ask what bender you are using.



Can you believe they have some for as large as .080" now?  I have made my share of Muskie spinners and they make some big clevis sizes for them now.

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