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Titanium wire

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I've been told that many of the companies that make wire forms are discontinuing the titanium because of problems with it cracking & breaking. I've also heard some complaints from folks about them breaking, mostly right at the R bend.

Apparently, titanium being a very hard material, is fine for static use, but not so good where repeated flexing is required, and given the cost, it gets expensive when they break, especially if you lose the blades & swivels too.

I'm sure some people have had better success with it than others.

Try Hagen's, they have it listed in their catalog, but they do have a minimum of 50.

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I believe the problem with these is the patent rights that the company that owns Terminator has on using the Nickle Titanium in spinnerbaits. I am no expert in this matter by any means but have heard that they have a team of lawyers who are assuring thier monopoly of this metal in spinnerbaits. The bendable titianuim is probably worth trying, JIM

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