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Guest DiyEngineer

Paraffin Wax Baits

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Guest DiyEngineer

Hey community, I saw a guy fishing in video with some home made wax lures, I am assuming paraffin. Well any way has someone ever tried that. I want to know if it will be durable with a coating of epoxy, when it is built like a wooden body lure with wires in the inside. The way it would work I am assuming is with wires internally built that take all the fish's tugging so the wax body does not break. If you have tried this before can you tell me your experience with it. Thank you in advance. (Plastisol Formula will be posted later today.)

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I wouldn't personally for a few reasons.

I just don't think the durability would be there.   The topcoat/shell would need to make up for a lot of negatives of the paraffin.  A wood skeleton or some other rigid core would be needed.  One   would be stuck adding wood in many places to get a good bond of the lip for example and line and hook ties as the paraffin will leave no bondable surface.  Screw eyes will thread into it but no real structural support.    Another aspect is I try not to leave baits in the boat or locked in the car etc.. Paraffin melting point becomes a huge issue in those situations.  Anything over 100 and you starting making a liquid core bait.

Edited by Travis
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