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Tube bait tail cutting

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I would like to get some info on cutting the tails of plastic tube bait like flippin tubes or crappie tubes. How is it done in mass production and how is it normally done by the hoddiest??? I was brainstorming making a contraption and figured why try reinvent the wheel before you see what is already done. I was thinking of a contraption with spring mounted razor blades in a jig and release the blades and lift a tube off a dowel ofr some sort. I have a feeling industry uses electricity to cut like with small wires, would appreciate some input.

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Robbor, use the TUsearch tab at the top of the page, a bunch of guys have discussed this topic already. For the meantime, here is a link to a thread that has a link to a page with a link to a photo (LOL).


I looked at quite a few of the search results and this thread seemed the most significant. Most of the tube cutters look like they are either paint roller handles with a bunch of Olfa rotary blades or Fiskars blades mounted on the "spindle" and spaced with washers or they are made with a can crusher and razor blades...hmmm...where's my old 12GA press at?

Good Luck. Z. B)

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