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Plastic tubing to cover your hooks!!

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:D I get the plastic tubing that I use to cover my hooks from US Plastics.

I got permission from Jerry to post the URL for this product.

It is www.usplastic.com

You can purchase this in a minimum of 50 foot rolls. The cost is $0.05 per foot + shipping. If you order this over the internet or call have the product shipped to a business address and shipping is cheaper that to a home address. When you get to their site the item number to put in their search box is 59120 and you will get the full discription. If you are having this sent to a business address leave the shipping charge off and they will add the correct amount. They also have a comment section and you can ask which way is cheaper or how to do it. I hope this helps someone out. Thanks and goodluck. Ken Schmitz

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