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My tying bench

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Here is my new tying bench, its a little rough around the edges still but I learned alot from making it. I made it for my uses but if you have any suggestions then feel free to fire away. It holds a clamp very well but my pedastal works great on it too of course. It is made from oak, which was alot cheaper than I thought it would be. I devcon'ed a flexible clear cutting mat over the top and built up from there, it makes clean up easier in my opinion. I used dowels on the sides to make storage areas but am considering adding 12" legs and a drawer underneath instead. All it will need to store is squirrel tail, krystal flash, flashabou and a few other synthetic accents and a small drawer would be fine and make it much more portable. I may tear it apart and redo it all a time or two before it is over, JIM



















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I didn't devcon the top, I just glue'ed a flexible cutting mat to the top by running epoxy around the edges and trimming. My "shop" is crammed into the spare bedroom which is already over-crowded with our stuff so organizing is the only way to get anything done in there! Actually I didn't put too much thought into it at all before starting...something I sorely regretted 1/2 way thru! I looked at several benches online and dove right in, I am considering just starting over, this one is alot larger than what I need it to be...but it was fun! JIM

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peterjay I will supply you with a dumpster as long as I can load it up with every thing but your bench. I will even come out and load it for you! Sounds like I might need to buy a shed to dump it under. But I think I can help you ou ;);) t.

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Kelly, you're a true humanitarian in every sense of the word. I appreciate the offer, but my conscience wouldn't allow me to let you drive all the way out here in the heat of summer. Besides, there are several local guys who'd like nothing better than to get in there and clean up. Fortunately, they're all terrified of the pitbulls and chow chows I keep out in the yard to greet visitors. evil.gif

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