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2 parts epoxy date ?

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is that a date of fabrication or the date of the end ? judging by envirotex instruction sheets , it last just one year for a bottle that have never been open . what's gonna happen when it's no more good ?    we have 1 g of art resin  there is no date at all on the bottle nor the box and they also claim that it's just good for 1 year and 6 month once open ,no date at all for envirotex. . if their products really have a pot life of one year and there is no way to know when it have been made,then they are just really stupid. how it would look if the food would be good for 3 days but there will be no date at all  ?

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In my experience, how long epoxy lasts depends mainly on how it’s stored.  You can tell it’s degrading if the hardener gets darker.  Since the epoxy company doesn’t know how it will be stored, the one year is just a rough guesstimate.  After it begins to degrade, it will usually still harden but will cure darker and may take longer to harden. I store mine inside where the temp is fairly constant and it often lasts two or more years before the hardener begins to darken.

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tks bob mine already turn yellow,i even take a look at the stores and all their brand new bottle were already yellow.the guy  from etex have telling me it would be ok over all colors minus white,instead of giving me another bottle.

one thing is sure i'll never buy etex again. their customer service is pure junk.to resume my conversation with them it's my fault, if i didn't open the box before ( it's well known we all read the care sheet even if we don't need to use the product)but  the info is well hided inside their boxe at the instruction sheet and there is no way to know the fabrication date,the number under the bottle are finally  just code, so the are the only one to know is age ,it's almost fraud. the reason why it have been made like that is purely economical .lot less guy would buy it if they would be informed of the best before date. anyway art resin is just 10 usd more and it's imo a better product ,because it yellowing a lot less and uv don't affect it,smell is also less horrible last but no least they don't have to hide their product behind a boxe ,it's just clear as  gin !

i hope i didn't hurt too many etex lover ;) 

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I have e-mailed manufactures in the past . Most have a customer service  contact. 

 I`ve asked  similar questions.   Storage conditions and shelf life.  Any other question I might have.  

  I`ve been lucky in that I almost always get a solid reply.   Certainly  has been helpful. 

  Some have an 800 number.   Talking to a service rep is even better.   

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braided line i know but as you can see my english is not that good,so as soon as i have to talk about that kind of subject i get too nervous then i start to talk like a real retarded . it's not really about the quality of the info, it's more about the absurd way  they  hide all the info . when you act like that the first thing you should do is too give a replacement product one the spot but that's the point when they act like that they usually don't give any replacement at all . they prefer to see the clients returning to the biggest canadian crafting stores to ask for money back or another bottles ,even if it might compromise future business . that's it,  i'll stop breaking peoples ears about that. everything have been said now


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