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Jointed topwater

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https://www.google.com/search?q=jointed+wakebait&client=tablet-unknown&hl=en-US&prmd=sivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjq2-CRqr_cAhVL64MKHTpRDIMQ_AUICygC&biw=1024&bih=600 has you can see almost all wakebaits have a bill. Wanting to make a lipless jointed wakebait like a rat that can be used up on pads and weeds. 


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Yes it is possible.   Have been several over the years marketed commercially.   I think a lot depends on what you are calling top water.   Swim baits in most circles have carved their own identity and I don't think most I talk with put them in the traditional top water category with poppers and walkers.

Swim baits joints are  a must as that is the key to how they function and lots of very good information on the site on building them. 

Now traditional top waters are another story in my opinion.  Storm Chug Bug  made a go at it and it fizzled pretty quick in comparison to the non jointed version.  Heddon Zara Gossa another one that was made that failed also.   Been others but I think those are probably the two that had the most limited success in regards to being marketed.  The issue is that these lures are all designed for bass guys and if you fish frequently it becomes really clear just more of a gimmick than bringing anything beneficial to the arsenal.

That being said the more styles types of lures the better off you become as a lure maker.   Make some they will catch fish so no loss.  





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Using wood, rat style wakebait. That can be used on and off the weeds around most ponds. Wanting something that will wiggle and slide up on top of the weeds. Doesn't really need to move on the weeds but in open water have some action.

First 2 attempts failed in not having action in open water, tried a v joint ad a straight joint. V style was screw eye and pin, then only screw eyes with split ring. Straight style used interlocking screw eyes with 2 joints. Any help would be appreciated.


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