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Best chartreuse airbrush lacquer

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I'm looking for some suggestions on the best chartreuse lacquer that any of you guys use. The Lifetone bright yellow finishes baits in a school bus yellow color. I've tried the dick nite glow yellow which gets the right color but shoots out in a manner that makes the finish look clumped. Any help would be appreciated on other paints or airbrush shooting tips would be a great help

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11 hours ago, mark poulson said:

Maybe adding some green to the Lifetone bright yellow will give you a chartreuse.  That's how I do it with waterbased Createx paint.

Thanks everyone for the assist. I think I'll try what mark poults on mentioned. I may try the createx or house of color, but unsure of how acrylic based paint would react with Lifetone lacquer for some of my color schemes which are very basic

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