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Assorted newbie questions

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Hi guys,

I've recently discovered this fascinating aspect of our beloved sport and have spent the last few weeks lurking on TU soaking up every bit of knowledge that is relevant to any questions that popped into my head.

I'm already able to do beautiful multicolour hand pours/laminated and swirls etc thanks to reading the years of accumulated knowledge on here, you guys have all greatly sped up my learning curve! I've invested heavily and have pretty much everything I need, even have a presto pot on the way from the USA ( $105 shipping - more than the pot cost! ).

I have a dual injector and my main question pertains to that item - mainly that of the block/nozzles clogging up. I'm assuming I can dunk it in the pot to keep it heated while I demold? Which will presumably stop any clogging? Or would a very hot oven be more suitable ( I have heatproof gauntlets so no problem either way and I don't really care if I get plastic in the oven ). Or simply using the gas ring on the stove ( can you tell I live alone )!? I really don't want to be disassembling the whole kaboodle every few shoots to peel out plastic.

Another question. Is it possible to use silicone for injections molds if I have enough clamps? I know how to make them and have firmly established that myself and PoP simply do not get along whatsoever after making my kitchen look like a cokeheads dream. Or would fibreglass resin be the better option?

You guys are decades ahead of us here in the UK when it comes to soft plastics. There are only really 2 small companies here offering pretty much the same stuff and I have it all, can't even get a divided pyrex jug for pouring over here :-(

Sorry for the newbie questions, gotta get my answers from somewhere and this is the best site I found for plastics.

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Greetings from the other side of the pond !

I would not worry so much about the nozzles clogging up just leave them in the presto pots  or at least that’s what I do . As far as the block I usually clean mine out inbetween rounds..  On a side note I put my dual  injector and block on a skillet to get them close to temp before I run anything through them.

  I have never personally used silicone but I have used pop  to make injection molds

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2 minutes ago, wallyc14 said:

Greetings from the other side of the pond !

I would not worry so much about the nozzles clogging up just leave them in the presto pots  or at least that’s what I do . As far as the block I usually clean mine out inbetween rounds..  On a side note I put my dual  injector and block on a skillet to get them close to temp before I run anything through them.

  I have never personally used silicone but I have used pop  to make injection molds


So say I removed my block and placed it in the oven at max temp for the demould and placed the injectors in the pot, even if it doesn't all drip out, it'll stay liquid and because I'm doing repeated shoots of same colour it wouldn't matter that the residue is in there because theoretically it's melted?

My block is held together with a wingnut and it's fiddly to take apart with the required gloves. I'd rather melt it out if that's feasible? ( I have no problem with plastisol going in the oven or on the gas ring ).

Sorry for the newbie questions, but I am indeed said newbie.

Thank you for the reply, I'm kinda dreading my first shoot tomorrow while looking forward to it too!

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Vientlvole, no need to be dreading your first shoot. Just be careful, and take your time. If you get in a hurry, that's when  things happen. After you have shot a few baits it will be alot  more familiar to you, and you will see how enjoyable it is to make your own baits, to look like you want them to, and then catch a fish on something you made. 

By the way, welcome to TU

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Yeah I suppose  you could in theory. Don’t know how safe it would be. , but I suppose if you had a big enough flat pan in the oven  you could at least keep the plastic off the heating element .  It would get really nasty if plastic gets on the heating element .I don’t want to sound like the safety police but you do not want to get the plastic all over the heating element burnt plastic is not your friend it is absolutely 100% bad for you..  With all that said I don’t see why you couldn’t put the blending block the oven. . It’ll be hot but you already knew that LOL .I just hope you’re not doing it in the wifes oven because she’ll  probably kill you when you’re done.   Once you get your system down you’ll be fine .  When I first used my duel injector there was a lot  going on at once but after a while it’ll be like cracking eggs. You won’t think of it anymore

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Thank you for the replies fellas, just trying to get a feel for this. No problems whatsoever with handpours. Sold quite a few earlier actually, as a nice bonus my friend insisted on paying me more than I charged.

As an aside, out of curiosity I poured into several injection molds I have earlier ( friend in heatproof gauntlets held them closed - clamps are in the mail. Said friend then proceeded to buy the lures ;-) ) and they came out perfectly. I figure this isn't going to be the case with all patterns and molds, just wondering if a very slow pour will work in a lot of injection molds? All mine are vented and I haven't had an issue yet, including molds with lots of thin wiggly bits?

TIA, just throwing things out there.

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