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Coloring for Plastic Baits

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For the last 5 years I have used Lurecraft exclusively except for emergencies than I just drive to Janns and pick up what I need. However the last few months the coloring I have been getting from LC has been bad. I would get an occasional bad batch here and there in the past but now it seems more common than not. When it comes to fluorescent coloring it just sinks to the bottom and doesn't mix well. I have also had to change my recipes up to add more coloring for opaque colors to get the same coloration I am used to. At this point  am ready to start looking at different manufactures. How does the MF or Do It X2 brand coloring work in comparing to LC? Is there another brand out there I haven't mentioned?

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For colors, I used Lure Craft and MF exclusively, so I can't speak for Do It. 

I'm assuming you mix the fluorescent colors before heating the plastic?  I always made sure the color was mixed really well and added to cold plastic before heating and never had any problems. 

LC and MF are very different, but both serve their purpose.  Couple of examples.......I preferred MF motor oil to LC (LC seemed to change their mixture a few times over the years,) and MF's pumpkin was very light no matter how many drops I added, but LC's pumpkin is dead on.  Just something you have to play around with. 

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19 minutes ago, alsworms said:

For colors, I used Lure Craft and MF exclusively, so I can't speak for Do It. 

I'm assuming you mix the fluorescent colors before heating the plastic?  I always made sure the color was mixed really well and added to cold plastic before heating and never had any problems. 

LC and MF are very different, but both serve their purpose.  Couple of examples.......I preferred MF motor oil to LC (LC seemed to change their mixture a few times over the years,) and MF's pumpkin was very light no matter how many drops I added, but LC's pumpkin is dead on.  Just something you have to play around with. 

Yes I am mixing the color into cold plastic. I have also been looking into the Lureworks brand coloring.

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Lureworks has great colors and are very consistent.  They make there own from the raw materials so colors don’t change unless the paste pigment does. But that is not very common with them. They supply a lot of big company’s so if the color changes they get pretty upset. 

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