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Matthew P.Paul

air brush pump

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The options range from dedicated air brush compressors to 50 gallon construction compressors.  Air brush compressors are generally more expensive.  Construction compressors can be found relatively cheap online, or at Harbor Freight.

As with most things, the more you pay, the better and quieter the compressor.

If you're painting in a house or apartment, where noise is an issue, go with one of the small air brush compressors.  They don't have an air reservoir, so they have to run constantly to try and keep up with an air brush, but they are the quietest compressors.  

If you're painting in a shop or garage, where noise isn't a problem, you can use a construction-type compressor.  They typically have a storage tank, so they will allow air brush painting without any lag in airflow, and they don't need to cycle continuously to keep up air pressure.  The down side is they are noisy when they do cycle.

Check some air brush site, like Coast Air Brush, to see prices on dedicate air brush compressors, and go online to price construction compressors.   You can pick one to match your situation, and your budget.

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How much painting are you doing at one sitting?  Are you using just 1 airbrush or do you have several for different applications.  The most important part is going to be the regulator.  Some paints require more psi than others and so do different types of airbrushes.  Like Mark said, where you are going to be using it will be a big determining factor of how big or little you will get.  Nothing worse than a compressor that can't keep up with what you are spraying.

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Like Mark mentioned, I use a cheap 3 gallon shop air compressor.  I added an inline air regulator, and I also added a moisture trap.  I paint in my garage so noise isn't a worry.  I only have one airbrush and generally only paint two or three lures in a sitting.  My compressor often only turns on once or twice in a sitting (usually scares the crap out of me haha, it is loud).  All together though, my air compressor set up is quite cheap (less than $100, Canadian!) and it works well enough for my needs.

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