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Should Takahiro Speak Up

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Here is the post that I am basing this on.



Sorry to hear about the guide business. You were able to do what most of us would just love to do. How can you be certain that they did not lie about their brand of golf balls? Heck all they have is their name on them. If it isn't that I am sure it is something else.


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Stuff happens, it is all water under the bridge, so to speak, and like I said I wouldn't take anything for the experience! Some guys played it cut throat nasty. I chose not to. It is funny though, that some guides who insisted to the public then that the fishing was fantastic, now talk about the way the fishery has rebounded since then. :huh:


I know that corruption so often follows the money. But the sport and business of big league and little league fishing has outgrown the original model of competitors policing themselves. Fishing is a lifelong pursuit near and dear to my heart, as it is to the vast majority who visit this board. Just look at the sharing of information and knowledge that goes on here! My point is, is that we have a governing system in place here that allows and encourages productive dialogue between it's members, and most likely this board wouldn't be the place we know and love without it. Any society must have rule of law to survive, and that includes the Bassmaster Sportsmans'. The rules of engagement should be updated with the times, there are things that can be put in place to minimize things like Tak's situation with The Lure. If the sport is to attain serious stature, where lots of guys can expect to work hard and make a living at it, it going to take the kind of money that only corporate sponsors can provide. If we're known as a group of guys who'll say anything for money, our sport will never be taken seriously by the majority of those who have the big bucks, alot of good fisherman will stand little chance of breaking in to the sport and the general public will continue to wonder why custom lures cost so much more than factory lures, when the factory lures catch all the fish when the money is on the line. Now, everybody go watch Gary Cooper in Sargeant York and think about values. :D


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I agree with your thinking, but there will always be someone who spoils the rest of the apples. Back when I fished tournaments, there was a guy on Bull Shoals who was winning alot. Let's say more than everyone thought he was capable of. The officials decided to put a chase boat on him to watch him fish. Not only did he stop winning tournamnets but he hardly brought in a limit. What did the guy do? He went and bought a "fast" boat where the chase boat couldn't keep up and guess what, he started winning again.


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Lee Sisson says that Tak. was using the BB2.He posted that info on his site not long after telling this.The bait was an old original and I believe it was re-painted by Hustler Lures.I feel like Lee is a straight shooter.He is taking a big chance to post a lie on his site.i dont remember the month's issue,but Bassmaster commented that Tak came clean to them about the lure and said it was a Bagley.Given this info you would think the truth was told.

I have came up with several patterns in the past that pro's have used and wouldn't you know it,there sponsor put it on there pattern list soon after.I know this has happened to Tim also but what do you do? You just be happy and go make more lures because thats what you do.

I gaurantee(sp) you one thing,I can spot one of my lures a mile away and so can any other guy.Tim and Jeff know if its there lure or not.They may just choose to not say anything and you know what?,thats there call and you gotta respect that if that is the case.As for me,You can bet your a?? if it were my bait I would rent a billboard and advertise it.There has been a ton of money won on my spinnerbaits,Jigs,custom painted lures.I have never been lucky enough to have a tournament won on my bait at Bmasters/or Flw.Just the smaller less known trails for my stuff. There in the hands of the right people but I can't count on them to give me alot of credit because I charge these guys just like I do anyboby else. Let one of these guys win a major event on my lure and everybodies going to know it cause I'm gonna tell it.Thats when it will be time to brag a little. Just my 2 cents on it.

Skeeter,thanks for the weighting tip,it worked,I owe you one buddy.

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Blades and Baits,

I met Lee at this years Classic Outdoors Show. Charles Mitchell and I talked to him for quite some time. He seems to be a straight up individual to me. He was more than kind to the both of us. He was a class act. His baits were extremely well made also. Maybe we will never know.

I can definitely understand that you would let the world know. Guess I would too. Glad the weighting advice helped. It wasn't just a tip my friend, it was 4 months of work. Did the action stay with the lure?


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