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brian ranger619

shave the lip?

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I was walleye fishing the other day throwing a smithwick rogue, getting fouled in the weeds that were high up, then I thought maybe you can shave the lip so it doesn't dive so deep. my question is??? :huh:

can this be done??

what I would like is for the lure to dive no more than maybe 10" or less. any help on this would be great. thanks


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Easyer fixes than that.

One is to fish a heavyer line, so the bait will not get as deep.

The other is to hold your rod higher up.

Each foot up from the water, should pull the bait up a % higher.

Take off the front hook, will hang less and you do not really need it.

A.K.A Richfish at walleyefirst

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I've seen rogues and bombers modified the way you mentioned by trimming the diving bill back. Start by taking about 1/4th off the overall length of the diving bill. depending at what speeds your trolling will determin how much more you want to take off the lip.

A rogue with the lip noth cut to the halfway will troll at about 10-12 inches at high speeds. Great for bill fish.


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