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Lead Pouring Temperature

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I pour a little on the hot side because I'm using 5% antimony so I'm usually around 725. Now the molds that I have modified work better around 750 and up. I use an RCBS pot, it is the old style with the analog temp control but I have an immersion probe to check lead temp, believe it or not the dial setting is pretty accurate. 

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Hi Ron,

   I honestly don't know what the temp I'm pouring at as I haven't checked it in awhile. In my Lee bottom pour, I keep the dial at 7-8.  Now I have a mixed lead alloy. So I'm not pouring pure soft lead. Sometimes 80% soft/20% hard and sometimes 70/30. I never pour with my pot maxed out especially when I pour 3 and 4 oz weights. I found with heavier weights, the molds expand especially after continuous non-stop poring, and the pours aren't as consistent.  I have never heard of the alloys separating. How hot was your pot?

Edited by cadman
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