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Soft Plastic Paint [FOUND]

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Hi all,

Finally got around to trying some soft plastic paint I ordered awhile back.

I wanted to give it a try before I posted & well..........

It's awesome

I didnt think it would work as well as it did, but it did!

I emailed every supplier I could find & surprisingly enough, Stamina gave me a number of the guy who used to supply them years ago, before the hazmat shipping regulations, made it near impossible to profit after shipping costs.

The guy no longer supplies anyone, but still uses the stuff, as he is a tacklemaker himself & has been running a small tackleshop out of Tampa for years.

It took some conversation, slight begging & a headlock for him to agree to supply the TU community, but he finally agreed to do it in small sample quantities, so you will need to tell him "Jerry" sent ya. :wink:

I literally tried scraping & rubbing the paint from my pours & I rubbed the baits in two, but the paint still remained.

The paint is a thick base, you can get UCD pigments to make any color, he supplies the pigments also. You thin it 3:1 with MEK for doing lines,stripes & eyes, or you can thin it to a milky consistency for spraying through your airbrush. Cleanup is easy with MEK (Methyl Ethyl Ketone) available from your local hardware store.

His name is Noel Noggle of ACE Molds, incidently he makes vulcanized rubber molds for those of you interested in molds for lead.

813 948 1461

Mystery solved....

I know this might ruffle the feathers of all those who have been sitting on any sources for this stuff, but hey, This is what TU is about, furthering our skills through communication. Now that a source is out, lets see how many more step forward.










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You mentioned hazmat shipping, is it expensive and/or any trouble?

Well Businesses are charged quite a fee to ship hazardous material (by the government & couriers), so much so that its hard to turn any profit.

Theres an exemption on "sample" quantities, around a few ounces, which is the maximum Noel will send. A little goes along way. He uses it daily & said he's still working with the same gallon from a few years ago. 8O

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Yes it is great stuff this is the same as I use that I get from a friend of mine that owns a Plastic Injection molding company He buys the Keytone in 55 gallon drums and the paint he buys by the pound it is a powder. It melts into the plastic so no worries about peeling or flakeing. Sprays great with airbrush.. I have around 10 gallons of different colors here only because I can pick it up from the source and he doesn't have to ship it to me.

Glad you found a supplier. A local injection molding shop burnt to the ground last year from a spark off a battery charger that ignited this paint. Be careful of using vent fans with this stuff it is VERY Flammable...

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