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Etex lifespan

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Both bottles looked guud after a peek the other day.  How do you pros apply it? Pour it on, or brush it?   If you dip it in and pick some of the ET with a brush, what type of brush works best?  I’ve tried these cheap ones.  Use once and throw in a volcano. Do you pinch the collar some to keep the bristles staying put?  Thanks. 

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When I used it I mixed it for 5 min, be sure your two parts are equal. After mixing let sit for 10 min for bubbles to pop and thicken up a bit. Brush it on, you will need a lure turner as it will want to sag. Hope this helps. 

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Like the others said, measure carefully, equal parts by volume. Mix for a couple minutes.  I also let it sit for 10 minutes, it really seems to help prevent fish eyes and other problems.  Make sure your room and the epoxy are at least at 70 degrees, you can even warm the bottle up a bit in the sink with warm water beforehand.  Cold weather and cold epoxy were a source or major problems for me.  Put the lure on a bbq rotisserie and let it spin overnight.

I use a 1" foam brush.  I make large lures for muskies, the foam brush works well.  Disposable. 

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I use the wider 3/8 to 5/8" artist brushes found at wallyworld. But I modify them with a pair of scissors - so they remain as wide, but with fewer bristles. This gives them just the right flex for even coverage and reduces the amount of resin the absorb. Cleaning the brush is easy. Swirl brush in a little denatured alcohol in a mixing cup - paper towel brush. Pour DNA over brush. Wrap in paper towel.

A microwave rotor motor works well for a lure turner. 

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