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I need help with topcoat on a jointed/articulated bait

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If the joints need to stay flexible, I would find a way to mask them.

I like the Rustoleum because it goes on thin, and doesn't affect my swimbait's hinges, but I use screw eyes and hinge pins.  Even if it gets on the hinges, it's too thin to lock them up.

I spray with the bait hanging tail down, and then hang them to dry.

Edited by mark poulson
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On 9/12/2019 at 8:59 AM, mark poulson said:

A rattle can spray is what I use.  I use Rustoleum X2 Gloss Clear Acrylic, at least two coats.  

Don't let it lie in contact with soft plastic baits for more than 30 minutes, or it will soften.


Does the Rustoleum Clear hold up as good as Devcon epoxy which I'm currently using?

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2 hours ago, Kris said:

Does the Rustoleum Clear hold up as good as Devcon epoxy which I'm currently using?

Not, as AZ Fisher said, not even close.  But it is much easier for me to use on jointed baits.  

When I made and sold jointed swim baits, I'd coat the inside faces of the joints with Devcon 2 Ton, and coat the outside faces with E tex, because I knew that combination would hold up to lots of abuse, and I didn't want unhappy customers.

When I topcoat a bait with Rustoleum X2 Clear, the next day I put a coat of clear nail polish over high impact areas, like when hooks swing, or where joint faces meet, to prevent hook rash and chipping.

I just finished painting a new 4" whopper plopper I made yesterday,  and I sprayed it with two coats of the Rustoleum Clear.  Tomorrow I'll put a coat of clear polish on the hook rash belly area, and over the 3D eyes, to make sure they're secure.

I am just a hobby builder, so I only have to please myself and the fish.

So far, we're both happy.



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Update.  I fished this plopper hard today.  I caught well over a dozen bass, plus a couple of shaker stripers, because they are fun to catch, too.

After I had two good fish blow up on the bait but not hook up, I changed the front treble from a #4 KVD EWG short shank to a #2 KVD EWG short shank, and didn't miss a fish after that.  Evidently the first hook was just too small for them to get it when they came up on it.

Unfortunately, the nail polish I put on as protection for the #4 trebles didn't extend up high enough for the #2, and the paint job got hammered on one side.  Of course, it might have been me throwing the bait into the tules a few times and having to strip/rip it out.  Did I say I am no pro, and I am not gentle.  I threw it on 50lb braid on a 7' med heavy rod that I use for light frogging.

In hindsight, I probably should have let the topcoat cure more than overnight, and I should have made a larger arc of nail polish protection.  But the fish didn't seem to care about the damaged paint job


Anyway, here's an after pic.:


3 1 2 in plopper after one day.jpg

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4 hours ago, azsouth said:

just a mere flesh wound! my baits take a beating also....nothing I have seen will hold up to rocks and fish for long.  

I just started to use some epoxy clear coat I got along time ago it produces a nice solid clear coat hopefuly hold up to abuse fishing!

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