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A new CNC machined mold from a new mold maker!

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Found this mold on eBay and decided to give it a shot.

This is a CNC machined mold for a jigging minnow. Something similar to a jigging Rapala or a shiver minnow.

The two cavity mold came with 50 of the tail fins 25 clear and 25 red and 50 wire inserts.

The wire inserts are merely a short piece of wire with opposite facing R bends in it.

The tails are made out of some sort of rigid plastic.

The mold information appears to be laser engraved on the front.

This mold calls for a # 2 mustad popper style kink shank hook in the rear and has a hole machined in it on each side to accommodate a #4 or smaller treble hook placed on the wire insert.

The handles have some kind of rubber coating on them.

The mold makers name is Kent Desautel and my mold shipped from Minnesota.

I ordered extra wire inserts and extra tails for this as he had them listed on eBay as well.

He sent me a message saying he is looking to get into the custom mold making market.

I messaged him back asking for his contact information and have not received it yet.

But when I do I will let you know.

I had a little trouble when I first tried casting with this mold. Then I realized I had forgotten to spray dropout in the mold. Once I did that it worked pretty good.

The only thing I really don't like about this mold is the rubber handles are loose on the bolts that secure them to the mold.

They were that way before I heated it up.

As you can see the hinges are pinned with roll pins similar to how my Shawn Collins molds are pinned.

This mold has much loser tolerances though and opens and closes to easily (loosely) for my liking but that doesn't affect the function of the mold.

He did machine alignment holes and pins on the  handle end, though with the hinge I don't know why those would be necessary.

This is supposed to make an approximately 1 oz jig.

With the alloy in my pot which is a mix of lead and a small amount of tin I got 1.1 oz and when cast in tin I got .8 oz.

That is with a blank jig only with hooks and a fin stuck on just for looks and no paint or coatings.

This mold sells on eBay for $150.

I'll include some comparison photos with a new Shawn Collins mold that just arrived in the mail as well.

Now I just need to get some holographic foil on these some paint and some eyes put in and test them out.

Edited by Kasilofchrisn
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This mold can be purchased on eBay if you use the search feature look up "jigging minnow mold".

If anybody is interested this mold makers name is Kent Desautel.

It's contact information is:


Phone: (701)520-1872

I know some people are not happy with Sean Collins being hard to get ahold of.

Though personally I really like Sean's molds and own over 20 of them.

I know Bob at CNC mold and stuff does very good work and I have a couple of his molds.

This just gives another option for those who may be looking for someone to make them an aluminum mold.


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