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Joe S.

Salting baits

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Hello, I've been reading for a while now and figured I might as well jump in.

I have a question on salting your baits. I've read alot on this from the board. I add it in the mix before pouring and then just smother the baits once poured so the salt sinks some.

I've read on here that people blend there salt to make it finer, I have tried this and have some problems with the powder clumping up when I go to sprinkle it over them ? what kind of shakers/tools do you use to hold you're salt while sprinkling it on your baits?

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I just use popcorn salt as well. i tried putting it in a different container but think I got moisture in there and as I get a bit of crackling when I heat my plastic now.

Popcorn salt works great after you've made your baits also. Just a sprinkle or 2 works great.

I have my kids do the shaking for me...they say its like shake and bake!!! :lol:


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Thanks for the replies! I really like the mustard container idea, I was just using a bent up piece of tinfoil It worked good when I wasn't using blended salt, but with the blended salt when I squeezed the tip shut it was clumping up and chunks were landing in the hot plastic and once cooled they would fall out and leave little pits.

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