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LurePartsOnline Size 2 Figure 8 Link - Cant Bend!

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Based on research here, I recently ordered a bunch of size 2 (large) Figure 8 links from LurePartsOnline.  I'm having a terrible time bending them to close the side thats not already an open loop.  Compared to the medium size (where the loops are both more "complete"), plus the diameter of the wire itself (fairly stout), any bend I get to complete the "8" just destroys the link.  

What am I missing?  I considered heating the link to make it bend better/easier... but that seems like overkill.  

Below is a screen shot of the med/large sizes that shows how "extra open" the large size is vs the medium.  Also included is a shot of one of the links I have.  

Is there a magic pair of wire-bending pliers that does the trick?



Edited by Felder
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It looks to me, just from your pictures, that the wire on the large size left hand side is too short.

Since both ends are open, and the right side wire seems to be the right length, it may be that the large size is only meant to be closed on the one side.

I would contact LurePartsOnline, and ask them about it. 

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Thank you both. I’m going to make one more go at “encouraging” them to work... but may end up getting a different option. Totally agree the large size looks too short on the one end... weird though... if it wasn’t meant to be bent into a figure 8 (but stay as is in the lure body as a joint connection, etc), why call it a figure 8!? 

smh.... crazy. 

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