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A couple questions for a new PVC bait maker

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I also got mine at Lowes.  I went to another store first, but they didn't have anything thicker than 3/4" and I knew the rounded squarebills I wanted to make would be closer to an inch in thickness.  I found a trim board that was 1" or 1 1/4" thick at Lowes.  It wasn't the Azek that some recommend, but so far it's worked fine for me.  Only downside was that it only came in 10 foot length boards.  I had them cut it in half for me and figured that would be plenty to last me for a while.  I think it's around 4" tall as well.  I believe it was right around $26-$28 for the board. 

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  On 1/29/2020 at 2:57 PM, CoreyH said:

Any particular reason why you hate using it?


It works great for baits and definitely something most should try at some point.  Especially if just starting out and/or if you aren't keen on preparation, glue up, etc.. as it won't fail in regards to screw ups.   I do try to use it every once and awhile thinking I will feel differently about it but really only end up using it for swim baits and even then reluctantly.  Absolutely a great product just not for me.

Static and dust aside it just isn't an enjoyable material for me to work with.  I also don't find it to hold detail if doing that style of bait.  Just a different experience/feel to it than working with wood.  Sounds stupid but just "dead" no feel or tactile feed back.  Making baits for me is very much about the process of making the  sights, sound, smell, and feel all are important for me in this hobby.  Same reason I don't mold many baits anymore as just didn't meet what I enjoy about making lures.         

 It isn't any quicker to use and I put in the same effort either way building from wood or the PVC just if I screw something up the wood bait has issues.  I am fine with that as failures are rare.   I mainly used basswood for lures and most of my stock starts from larger beams.  From squaring up the basswood beams, resawing, cutting, shaping, and sanding the entire process is thearpuetic in a sense.  It allows me to escape from the rat race.  I can run the beams across the jointer and planer but end up using a hand plane for the same reason.  A nice early morning with a cup of coffee in the shop and the sound of the plane "singing" as wispy shavings fall to the floor is hard to beat.


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  On 1/29/2020 at 5:41 PM, jcromerangler said:



Where do you guys get the PVC board from. I'm a balsa maker but would love to try this.....What thicknesses are available. 


I end up buying it from Menard's and typically the brick molding.  Currently on clearance locally for 5 bucks for a 1 1/4" x 2" x 8 ft piece.  After I run it through the table saw get a 1"x2"x8'.  I also have bought a 2"x2"X12  (21 $).

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  On 1/30/2020 at 2:10 AM, Travis said:

It works great for baits and definitely something most should try at some point.  Especially if just starting out and/or if you aren't keen on preparation, glue up, etc.. as it won't fail in regards to screw ups.   I do try to use it every once and awhile thinking I will feel differently about it but really only end up using it for swim baits and even then reluctantly.  Absolutely a great product just not for me.

Static and dust aside it just isn't an enjoyable material for me to work with.  I also don't find it to hold detail if doing that style of bait.  Just a different experience/feel to it than working with wood.  Sounds stupid but just "dead" no feel or tactile feed back.  Making baits for me is very much about the process of making the  sights, sound, smell, and feel all are important for me in this hobby.  Same reason I don't mold many baits anymore as just didn't meet what I enjoy about making lures.         

 It isn't any quicker to use and I put in the same effort either way building from wood or the PVC just if I screw something up the wood bait has issues.  I am fine with that as failures are rare.   I mainly used basswood for lures and most of my stock starts from larger beams.  From squaring up the basswood beams, resawing, cutting, shaping, and sanding the entire process is thearpuetic in a sense.  It allows me to escape from the rat race.  I can run the beams across the jointer and planer but end up using a hand plane for the same reason.  A nice early morning with a cup of coffee in the shop and the sound of the plane "singing" as wispy shavings fall to the floor is hard to beat.



Makes perfect sense to me.  I hope at some point to start doing more with balsa or basswood for those very reasons, but I figured that PVC would be the best place to start (for me at least) since there is no grain to deal with and I can water test at any point.

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  On 1/30/2020 at 2:19 AM, Travis said:

I end up buying it from Menard's and typically the brick molding.  Currently on clearance locally for 5 bucks for a 1 1/4" x 2" x 8 ft piece.  After I run it through the table saw get a 1"x2"x8'.  I also have bought a 2"x2"X12  (21 $).


I actually went to Menards first before going to Lowes.  Now that I think about it, they did have the 2"x2"x12' there, but for whatever reason I decided to check Lowes and found a board there.  Not really sure what it was about the 2x2x12 that I didn't like, but I'm sure it would have worked perfectly fine.  I didn't see any of the 1 1/4"x2"x8' that you mentioned.  Maybe they had those in a different area?

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  On 1/30/2020 at 2:43 PM, CoreyH said:

I actually went to Menards first before going to Lowes.  Now that I think about it, they did have the 2"x2"x12' there, but for whatever reason I decided to check Lowes and found a board there.  Not really sure what it was about the 2x2x12 that I didn't like, but I'm sure it would have worked perfectly fine.  I didn't see any of the 1 1/4"x2"x8' that you mentioned.  Maybe they had those in a different area?


Could be or depending on your store may be gone.  Locally they are discontinuing some of the the cellular PVC.  The brick mold being one of them.

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  On 1/31/2020 at 3:10 PM, The Guy said:

If you go to timber tech’s website you can get a free sample (around 6” length I think) or pay $5 for a 2ft sample.  You’ll want the azek porch material not the timber tech stuff.  The azek floats the timber tech sinks like a rock. 


Good to know...thanks!  I've still got plenty right now, but I might get some of the Azek to see how they compare.

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