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OLe Coyote

Beads for Spinner Rigs

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Hello; I make bait rigs and need a new supplier for beads. The fellow who I bought from was Canadian and he has passed on to a better place and I have no idea who his supplier was. I need 4 to 5 million beads a year, That is not a mistake I said million. 5mm and 6MM sizes are mostly used with some 4MM and 8MM also. I need a wholesaler badly and ideas! Any idea on an importer or possibly an Americam manufacturer would be preferred. Thanks for your help!!

I am new here and if I have offended anyone or posted incorrectly please advise me immediayely and remove the post if you need to!

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First off, welcome!

did a quick search...


also Hagen's and lakeland catrry them in 1000 count, but I'm not sure if they offer quantity discounts...

example per 1000:

Lakeland:plastic size 5 (9 colors avail) 7.70, tbeads:68.10, stack: 35.40

Hagens:plastic size 5 (12 colors avail) 7.80 (premium) 6.40 (economy in 8 colors), stack 32.65

note that hagens also has their plastic beads in half sizes, also has plated beads, and faceted.

hope this helps!

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Wow! compared to those prices:Just happened accross luremaking.com 's dec sale. they have their plastic beads on sale for rest of this month ex: size 5: 3.50 per 1000. Plus up to a 15% discount on bulk orders, Plus that's in those worthless Canadian dollars! (j/K) :)

I don't know what you paid before, but that seems cheeep compared to what I listed above...:)

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