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question on hardbait blanks- made from scratch or?

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hi Everyone,

Im wondering what if any nice saltwater hardbait options are out there, jointed and not. Twitch, crank, and whatever else. I see some incredible stuff people make but am not sure if Im looking at totally done from scratch lures or if there are best-option blanks for custom painting?  Im under the impression that homemade baits are usually one-offs and may vary considerably lure to lure. Ok sorry if its a dumb question.

thank you!

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There is a lot of done from scratch lures

Myself I have never bought and blank ever. I make my own by hand carving a master out of wood and molding it. After that I create a resin/micro balloon recipe that gets the results I wanna. After that I can create as many duplicates as I need

There are others here who duplicate their baits by hand carving each one. They keep good records of their measurements and process and repeat it. Others will do a similar process with a lathe 

you can also resort to building a duplicating machine 

Homemade baits don’t have to be one offs at all

I have no clue about buying blanks so I can’t help with that part of your post  

here are 2 two duplicates just different paint jobs. Same weight, size, and action



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