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Calhoun plastic again!

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I read in the a recent post that some guys melt in the kitchen... with calhoun plastic...

So does this mean I can do it in my house and kitchen and not have my wife kick me out?? I live in NJ and its getting cold! I melt in my car port, but I imagine that when we start to see some really cold weather I won't wanna be out there freezing... BUt I also don't want to smoke and smell up my house... I kind of like my marriage... :oops:

I got a few sample packs of glitter from senko sam, this stuff looks great!!

Thank you


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Well I can't speak for the other guys, but I know if I even got anywhere near my wife's kitchen I'd be looking for a new home!

True.....Calhoun plastic doesn't stink and it smokes less than other plastics, but it still smokes. Throw in your scents, colors, and glitter, and it can get messy REALLY quick! If you've got a wife who can put up with that, then God Bless You!! You are now my role model. :D


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Hey VF:

Just got finished pouring in my house...Only reason is that my son's teacher is doing a raffle coming up and the basket is FISHING!!!

Poured them up some baits and my wife let me do it inside. Otherwise, after you add some "smell-goody", the plastic really does stink. The other thing is that the microwave gets stinky too.

My wife is cool but not cool enough to have the house smelling like garlic, plastic and Kick'n Bass!!!


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I only use the micro inside. The burner gives off enough smoke to get me in trouble!!

Got your baits today and i'm liking them. I will be fishing them tomorrow and hope to get a few fish pics for your website. It would be awesome to get some fish on them because I won't be sharing with my buddies :D !!!

Got the camera packed!!!


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