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Bottom Sweeper style jig mold? tog blackfish jig

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Hi I am new here!

I am looking for Bottom sweeper / Tidal tails tog jig style Jig mold with no collar.

Do-it banana jig mold is the closest thing that I can find, is there any other mold maker that carries them?

Do-it mold has a 'collar'  and exposing too much hook (make it prone to snag) Looking for one that has a  bit shorter shank with no collar





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This looks like a custom to me. The link provided is a mold maker that produces the most saltwater jig molds that I know of. Here is a link to his website.


The thing that looks custom to me and makes me think it’s a custom jig is the brass eye for the line tie. It is probably a figure 8 connector that attaches to the hook eye. Definitely not part of that hook. If you could get your hands on a jig, you could figure it out pretty quick and get the sizing of the components just by melting the lead off one. Bob Lalonde, on of our members here, does some custom stuff if you wanted a CNC Mold. I’ll link his website here. If you didn’t need a whole bunch of them, a RTV Mold would be doable also.




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