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Roger LaPointe

can you pre-mixing plastisol and a floating agent

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What floating agent?  The agent would need to reduce the density, and be chemically compatible, so ............

I have seen microballons added to plastisol to reduce the density, and you can add it at any time.  Still, it makes it opaque, white, and less soft.  BUT, if you have a chemically compatible additive, that won't boil off at 350 degrees, then in theory.......  What floating agent?

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The product I was referring to is Flotation Beads. I do realize it will effect the color, but I was just testing the waters so to speak. I want to have my recipe for the color to compensate for the color wash out. I know I can add them at anytime and I will probably will add them after heating but I was just curious. Thanks for your input

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I had an idea of putting enough raw plastisol in the container of flotation beads to turn it into a paste. I thought if I could keep the beads from becoming air born I could spoon out the paste into raw plastisol and cook it up. I have not test fired this theory yet but I guess I am going to before long. If it does not work I will have some flotation beads get rid of !

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Please be VERY careful with the microbubbles. They are a SIGNIFICANT health hazard to your lungs. They can also be harmful if you accidentally get them into your eyes (not that hard to do!).

MF has a floating plastic formula that I have been very happy with.

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