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To All You Canadian Luremakers

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Do we have anyone on the board from BC , particularly the Kamloops BC area? I have an unusual favor to ask.

My wife owns property in Williams Lake, BC. Her father owned it when he died 20 years ago and she hasn't visited since a little girl. We pay taxes on it every year and I'd like to know what it looks like without traveling if possible.

If you have a digital camera and are in the area of Williams Lake, or are planning a trip, shoot me an email and maybe we can work something out to get some digital pics of the property and building that is on it. I pour plastics, so we could trade, or I can pay cash if it's reasonable.

I have to admit, the last I heard about it was that it's sometimes used by squatter hunters during the winter, and may be very run down. I'm not sure what property taxes are in BC but the value from the tax office is in the neighborhood of $10,000 for land and buildings.

Thanks for any and all help in advance.

Joel Amado

Durant OK

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The process that has worked for me is to first find a street intersection or verifiable address that you can point the map to. then if you know the direction and distance from that point start clicking. Or just follow a road. I have followed the Chattahoochee river from the Seminole dam all the way to Atlanta. Very sad but I have been injured and bored.

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