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Legendary Lures

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Spent a little R&D time in the shop recently. Here's what I came up with. The one piece pine body is handcarved. Overall length is about 6 inches. The diving plane is handcut Lexan with stainless steel wire re-enforcement. Hand painted with acrylic paints. The hooks are size 1/0. The eyes and clear coat are epoxy. I sprinkled in a little micro glitter. Can't wait to give it a try.


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I didn't keep exact track of time while making this lure. But I started it Saturday and completed it Sunday. The epoxy was still a little "green" when I took the picture.

I was more concerned with getting a good Northern Pike look to the lure at the beginning. The lip came latter. Originally, I was going to use a purchased metal lip. However, none of the ones I had onhand suited me. Also, I didn't like the way metal lip interferred with the lure's profile. Since the lip was after the fact, it was too late to cut a groove, so I bent the lip.

Here's how I did it: I lightly scored the lip with a knife so I had a nice straight guide line. I laid the lip on a sheet of aluminum flashing and heated it with a paint stripper gun. A hair dryer just isn't hot enough. This little paint stripper generates about 800 degrees F. It's amazing just how much heat and the length if time it takes to get Lexan soft enough to bend. I was careful to only apply heat near the end where the bend would be. Once it ws soft, I gripped the lip along the score with needle nosed pliers and bent it, held it while it cooled a little. I had to redrill the mounting holes since they deformed. The lip is attached to the body with 2 wood screws and a gob of epoxy.

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First off, I have to say that the paint job rocks...there aren't enough hand painted lures out there with actual brush detailing that looks good. You've got a gift for painting and carving, very realistic. I like the technique you used to bend the lip as well. I was wondering though, how well did the bend actually follow the score in the lexan?

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TBC: Thanks for the compliments on the paint. Much appreciated.

The score was only used to line up the edge of the needlenose pliers. Since my pliers are somewhat cone shaped, it throws my eye off and I need a line. I've had thoughts of getting a second pair of pliers and grinding one side flat, but just haven't got around to doing it.

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