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Wire former

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New to the site and was hoping I could gain some help/information from you experts.  I'm attempting to make my own Umbrella rigs that are downsized and used for Hybrid and Crappie.  I'm utilizing light wire,  24 guage size 8.  I've tried to find a twis-tech wire former to make my bends and eyes but no one has one in stock and apparently they are way behind with production of these.  Is there any other device that as good and simple as the twis-tech that doesn't cost a fortune?  I'm spinning my wheels trying to figure out a way to get these made and the video I watched for the twis-tech seemed to be the best and easiest way to form wire.  Appreciate any help you guys can offer.  



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You could bend them with some nails. Put some nail in a board where you want them and then bend away. You may have to re-locate the nails a few times to get what you want, but it is cheap and easy. Also 24 ga. wire is easy to bend. Good luck and Welcome to TU.

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