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Best Colors for Beginner Airbrushing?

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Technically white, black, yellow, blue, red, silver, and maybe gold would be the bare bones that one can mix to make about all colors.   Check out color wheels and color theory for more information.

I would personally add a brown and chartreuse.  Can add all sorts of other colors to make things easier but if we are purely talking budget then  above is more consistent with what you are looking for.

The createx kits aren't bad in regards to prepackaged colors.  If you have a hobby lobby you can use the 40% discount coupon on the primary kit and come in around 17 bucks for 6 colors.

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I would buy the colors you need! For example on my lake I've had a lot of success throwing white and chartreuse baits so I went out and added chartreuse to my collection of paints so that I can paint something I have confidence in. Or one lake I fish has a large population of hammer handle pike so I bought the colors to paint a pike pattern. 

I first bought the Createx Primary pack for about $25 and then added to the collection as needed.

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