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RAS thru wire slot jig

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This was asked about on the other forum post, so I figured I'd start a new post.  This is how I cut my thru wire slots.  Radial arm saw works well for this purpose as I can visually line it up as far as depth.   It isn't much of a jig, but it does the job.  I just made that all the pieces were perfectly perpendicular to the RAS fence.  Then as long as I have one straight side on the lure blank to reference against the small "fence" on my jig, it allows the saw to cut straight along the lure body.  I would like to get a thin kerf saw, but RAS saws should have a negative hook blade angle to prevent the saw from pulling aggressively through the wood, and those blades are hard to find it would seem.  I haven't ever had that happen, but that would be a surprise I want to avoid.  I put some scrap piece under the clamp to just hold the lure blank up against the perpendicular fence of the jig with some pressure.  





**EDIT**  that piece of wood in the jig isn't a lure blank, I just threw a cut off piece in there to show where it would go. 

Edited by eastman03
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Looks simple and effective!  My saw doesn't have the guards like yours, so I have to be extra careful with my fingers...

I cut some blanks the other day on a table saw to try out the wood shim method.  I just epoxied one up and got it all set to cure and realized I forgot the shim... Gotta break a habit on this one!


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haha on no!  I've been there.  I can bandsaw thin shims pretty easy, and use my belt sander to get them down to the right size real quick.  And yea I've done it frantically after i've mixed my epoxy lol.  Baits look good! 

As far as the RAS, I have heard that it is a finger destroyer.  But it is about as safe as it gets for simple cross cutting.  With this jig clamped down, I don't have to even have my hands on anything except the handle of the saw.  That is what I really wanted overall.  Those guards came with the saw.  Pretty neat, but I don't think they would help at all for a quick climb cut into your hand if it were in the wrong spot.  I love watching "Frank Makes" on youtube, and have learned how to use a RAS from him.  Never have your hand in the cut line, no matter what.  Just good practice.  

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