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Line Tie Placement

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Hey TU Folks!

 So this is the first billed/lipped crank bait I have attempted and I’m not sure where I should put the line tie. I rarely use these types of baits so I really just haven’t gotten around to making one until now. I’m thinking I should put it at the spot where the lip meets the wood  for this style of bait but I’m just not sure. 
 What do you folks suggest?


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Usually with shallow diving baits line tie is closer to the bill and deep diving further away.

Keep in mind 1/8 difference makes a noticeable difference on how the plug reacts.

Personally without knowing weight and buoyancy I would put it 1/8-1/4 away from bill.

My .02  

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My first instinct is in the nose halfway between the lip and point of the nose. I would probably go with a slightly shorter lip. I would be weighting it so it sits slightly nose down and water line would be 2/3 up the eye. Mostly likely would end up with a crankbait that dives 4-6ft

That said there is multiple variations you could go with this is just what goes through my head looking at the pic


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From a design and aesthetic point of view, the end of the nose is ideal; looks pretty, looks deliberate and is easiest to hook on.

But, lures are a balance of several elements of which tow eye position is only one. You can force one or two of the elements but you must be prepared to adjust others to find the correct balance.

In this case the body shape and internals are fixed and you have the lip and eye to work with.

Under the chin seems pretty safe, but for a first build, I would probably want to try several positions and lip lengths and widths, and learn from the results.

I generally make my main adjuster the lip because it is the easiest to adjust. I simply make the lip way too long and then trim away making notes as I go.


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I like the look of the line-tie in the tip of the nose.  How much weight did you put in it?  I make a similar crank with 1/4 oz sinker in about the same place you put yours, then a hook at the "point" of the belly.  For a first test you could try a couple line tie points and see which one works best. 

I like to make at least 2 at a time, with only 1 variable different.  When I made my first crankbait the variable was 1/8 or 1/4oz ballast, and 1/4 worked better.

Nice looking crankbait though!  It certainly seems like you're off to a good start with it.  Are crankbaits popular over in Europe?

Edited by Big Epp
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For line ties in the nose, the closer it is to the lip surface, the harder and wider the action of the bait will be.  Of course like Vodkaman says, there are multiple factors in designing how a bait will operate.  Your lip angle is quite aggressive and the lip itself seems fairly long, both of which impart more action to the bait.  Too much?  Depends on testing and how buoyant the bait is, or in other words, how much and where you placed the ballast.

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