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Drilling hole for eyes on a round tapered lure

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1 hour ago, Hillbilly voodoo said:

Clamp it in a jig to hold it level and steady. Drill a small pilot hole straight through the lure so both sides match. After that bore out whatever eye socket you choose 

I hold my lures in a wooden clamp like these, and do what Hillbilly says to do:  https://www.homedepot.com/b/Tools-Hand-Tools-Fastening-Tools-Clamps-Vises-Clamps/Wood/N-5yc1vZc266Z1z0vir2

I try to remember to drill my through pilot hole while the bland is still rectangular, but this is what I use when it's already been shaped.  Even if my though hole winds up not being exactly where I want the eyes, I can easily move the same distance from the initial hole to drill my eye holes in the right location on each side.

Edited by mark poulson
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Location is not the problem, the problem is getting equal on all sides on a round lure which also has a slight taper towards the tail. Not easy I want the hole to be even so to place a eye in there. I have been thinking of painting my own eye but not that good at that but I just might try it.


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There is one thing that would work but only worth while if you are doing this often 

make half a silicone mold to hold the blank perfectly and use a drill press after. When I mentioned jig it can anything to hold it stable and level. I built a cradle to hold salmon to do this years ago out of wood even

In all honesty I have been successful just marking the lure using calipers and using a cordless drill. But if does run a high risk of going wrong 

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