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Mold swapping or selling???

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Maybe this topic has been talked about before but here we go again...Many times we don't have as much time as needed to pour all the baits for a bait swap but what if we swapped molds we don't use anymore (I mostly mean aluminum as the others may break). Instead of getting pennies on the dollars on Ebay other TU members could try out the mold and then return it. I know someone will bring up what happens if you loose the mold or trash it but I have faith in others to take care of my stuff just as I would theirs!!

OR is there a way we could put a sticky out there with molds that guys just don't use anymore and would sell to other TU members.

I know starting out its expensive to get molds and I have bought a few that I just never really liked but someone else starting out may be looking for just that mold. Also, if I tried a mold out and liked it, I would buy one!!!

I don't suggest we start making TU an Ebay for molds but just thought it would be cool to give TU members a "first shot" at some good stuff.


PS I have more time on my hands now to pour and would love to trade a mold out with someone. I have a 2 cavity aluminum 6" slither mold that I would "trade" for another mold for a little while!!!

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At one time, TU had a traders forum in place. Unfortunately, it was abused.

Jerry is in the process of re-opening that forum. However, in the meantime trading is not allowed in the open forums. It causes too much confusion long term. If you 2 happen to complete your trade, those molds are no longer available to other members. But, they have no way of knowing that. This applies to E-Bay auctions as well. By limiting the amount of 'outdated' information, it makes it easier for everyone to navigate the forums and eliminates the need for others to post questions on trades that no longer exist.

You may continue your trades via PM, email or the chat room. I hope you understand, and continue to look for the 'Traders Forum' re-opening.

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