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Big Epp

Favorite Powder Coat Supplier

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Mostly gloss, Big E. I have ordered some stuff from Prismatic Powders also and it was top notch powder. Columbia has a Omni Black thats a color shift  I need to get a pound of that looks really nice. I have had some luck with that kind of look before on bass. I always thought buy by the ounce was expensive when I looked at pound prices. Just my .02.

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$7ish for 2 ounces or $10 for a pound seems like pretty easy math. I don't know if I'll be pouring and painting enough to justify the larger amount though. Maybe I'll buy a pound of what I like most and then small jars for accents or more unique colors. There certainly are a lot of options! Thanks for your feedback!

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If you want inexpensive paint that's better than the harbor freight try buying some from Cadman.


He only has a limited number of colors but I will say the ones I've tried were top notch.

I love buying his plain white as a base coat that I use on many of my jigs. Before adding the primary color and any accent colors.

Columbia coatings has some good powder as does prismatic.

I won't ever buy Harbor freight paint again even if they would ship to me. I don't think it's very good paint.

I do buy quite a bit of Protec paint by the pound from TJ's tackle.

Mainly because I want the glow colors and I can't get those in as good a glow from elsewhere.

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I highly recommend trying "The Powder Coat Store".  They have some great colors and if you want to sample - they have 1/2lb sizes for reasonable prices and ship USPS flat rate boxes which helps as well.  I bought a bunch of different samples to powder coat parts for my kayak... Anodized Candy Red is beautiful... and even picked up some purple that looks great too.

Their prices have risen a hair over the last year - but that's pretty much the case with everyone since Covid - even still pretty reasonable if you only want a small amount which is hard to find.


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I've been using TJ's and Boss and since I don't pour my own jigs ,to justify the cost of molds and lead melting I mostly buy small quantities of powder and jigs .Boss makes a base coat for some very nice effects, as does TJ'S crinkle powder.

I'm just getting started and learning through trial and error!  The choices of colors are mind boggling and can get expensive, especially with the rise in shipping costs .


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