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How ca I get more pours out of my injectors?

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Hey Everyone, 

Each time I fill my injector with plastisol, I can pour 2-3 molds tops before my plastic solidifies in the injector. And am unable to refill the same injector until it is emptied out. Now, I recognize that this is normal. Obviously plastisol solidifies as the temperature lowers. However, does anyone know of any techniques to keep the plastic in your injectors last longer so that you can fill and refill your injector several times before having to empty it out? Does heating the injector help? Just curious how I can possibly get more pours out of a single injector without having to empty it out every 30-60 seconds. 

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If your using a pyrex/microwave to heat plastic and shoot - what's happening is pretty much par for the course when using this method.  You MAY be able to use a hotplate or something of the sort to keep the injector hot between shots - but you'll have to figure out a way to make sure it's completely empty of what's left or it will solidify or burn.  When I was using my microwave and pyrex - I basically popped the cap off - pushed out the plug each time - then just reheat the plugs after a few cycles.

Most people looking to speed up and shoot more molds use presto pots with stirring/electronics to keep the temp right - in this case - you can just leave the injector inside the pot down in the plastic - the injector stays hot and you don't have to keep opening it to empty the cold plug.


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You can fill it and wait a couple of seconds and shoot it all back into the cup and then fill it again. This will heat up

the injector a bit so you can get an extra mold or 2 if you move quickly. When using manual injectors it's really more

towards the hobby side, though some use it who sell. The automated side of soft plastics is the more heavy duty mass

production end of things. I'm just d......ing  around for fun myself. Enjoy!

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You can preheat your injector with a propane torch or a griddle. After you heat the plastisol, set the Pyrex on the griddle to keep it hot. Shoot your molds and evacuate the unused plastic back in your Pyrex cup and put your injector nozzle right in the cup with the hot plastic. This should keep your injector from freezing up and allow you to demold, draw plastic and shoot again. Put the griddle thermostat to high. 400+. Eventually, the plastic will cool enough to allow the injector to freeze and you’ll have to clean it out, reheat the plastic in the microwave and start over. 

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