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Jig Man

Adding Frankfort Arsenal Drop Out?

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I always touch mine up.

I've been using dropout for the last 10 years or so and I've never completely cleaned out a cavity to recoat it.

I like to heat my molds up first and then just the lightest coat should do it.

The heat helps it set quickly so it won't drip or run.

If you're finding there's marks in your jigs from the Dropout then I would consider removing it and recoating

But that only happens to me if I end up spraying way too much and get it to where it has pooled in a cavity which is a pretty rare occurrence.

Actually it's probably only happen to me a couple of times and I caught it before I even cast a jig.

Rather than clean the entire mold I just got some q-tips and denatured alcohol and cleaned the one cavity and recoated just the one cavity.

But if you got spare Time to kill and you have nothing else better to do I guess you could clean the whole mold out first and then recoat.

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