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Jig Man

Midwest finesse EWG flash

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I poured 6 dozen heads today 1/6, 3/32, and 1/8.  Maybe 2 of the 1/16 had to be cleaned up.  Several of the 1/8 and over 1/2 of the 3/32 needed attention.  I am using the Victory hooks.  I haven’t poured more than a half dozen at a time before.  Those of you who have it what are you seeing.

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Flashing around the Victory hook on a few of mine but nothing terrible or consistent. I modified my mold to also accept a 90° Eagle Claw and wire keeper. Had trouble with those flashing around the tie eye but that was somewhat expected. As for body flashing no issues with either hook style. 

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Jig Man, just so you know, the original non-weedless Midwest Finesse Jig mold did the same thing to me. I finally broke down and filled in the hook eye cavity with hi-temp RTV silicone gasket maker - Permatex. 

I was able to minimize it without the silicone but had to use the silicone to eliminate the problem. On my mold it seemed to get worse as the mold got hotter. I use an RCBS pro melt and found that slowing down the flow of lead did help but I'd still end up with too many with lead in or around the eye. 


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2 hours ago, smalljaw said:

Jig Man, just so you know, the original non-weedless Midwest Finesse Jig mold did the same thing to me. I finally broke down and filled in the hook eye cavity with hi-temp RTV silicone gasket maker - Permatex. 

I was able to minimize it without the silicone but had to use the silicone to eliminate the problem. On my mold it seemed to get worse as the mold got hotter. I use an RCBS pro melt and found that slowing down the flow of lead did help but I'd still end up with too many with lead in or around the eye. 


I had that same issue with the original one and did the silicone.  I have a more recent  one and it works good.  I guess I’ll put some silicone in the eye sockets and see if that cures the problem.  I hadn’t considered cutting down the flow but had considered cutting back the temp.  Thanks for the info.

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