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Speaking of new forums..what about this??

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I think it would be cool to get "volunteers" to review baits made by TU members. We could get a standard list of things to include such as weather, water temp, all that jazz.

Members offer up their baits and then there is a forum to report the results.

Might be hard for some hard bait guys to send more than 1 bait out to various places in the country but soft guys could get more than one pack out.

This would stimulate more interest in guys looking towards other TU members bait when they decide to purchase new stuff..IMHO...

Just somthing to think about!!!


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Yeah, this has been discussed before & we would love to support such a project, however during the last discussion, there wasnt many people willing to take the time to review the baits & reply with an article.

If anyone is interested in getting something like this off the ground, we need to form a good panel of testers who are willing to take the time to be unbiased & test the baits as they become submitted.

We need a panel of diverse & experienced anglers who fish different species, different seasons & different areas, for example a musky angler from up north, an offshore angler, a flats fisherman, fly angler, bass, etc.

We need to have a tester able to try the bait in its indened area of use.

Cavu posted this idea a few months back & was willing to volunteer as the testing groups leader, if he & anyone else is interested, lets form the group & start accepting the baits for review.

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Another volunteer tester & lure to be tested & reviewed.

Send your lures my way to see how it holds up to the raveges of Giant Snakeheds, guranteed teeth marks no matter what top caots you use. Metal spoon come back scratched think your lures are up for this challenge? Send them to LaPala for reviews :D

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