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The Night Bite!

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I have a Night TX upcoming where we fish from 6pm til 12am,weigh-in,then go again from 1am til 7am.combined weight from both weigh-ins wins.

I've done well in the past few yrs but was wondering if anyone on the boards had an idea or a new tech for night fishing that has made a difference in their night fishing(other than the typical blk worm,jitterbug,blk spinnerbait allnight)which I throw all night 'til I pass out!

Just looking for an edge from the Creativetackle crew that I might have missed,Many thanks in advance!...><>...HS

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Most of our fishing here is night fishing due to the intence 110? heat from the months ofend of may to end of sept...

Dropshotting with 4" worms

Dropshotting 6"-10" worms

mojo rigging 8"-12" worms

using a westy worm or wired worm( a 6-8" worm with a jig head and 2 hooks one front one back)

also any worm that floats with a 1/4-5/16 oz jig head works good

My main color anymore (for the last year and a half has been a pinkish red color) red works great but my pinkish colored one works better

Blue fleck is also a great color at night, lots of guys like black with a white tail.

if the fish dont hit a bulky bait try a slimmer one

we also use cranks and rattle traps at night wuth good success..


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I don't night fish much now, though at one time I never fished summer bass before 10:00 pm. Sometimes topwater if it's on, worms were fun to work eyes close and just by feel, but the ace was a spinnerbait. Only bought two my entire life, made the rest from bullets/eggs, piano wire, and some skirts. Color made no difference that I could tell in Indiana pits. What really kicked was technique. Once the evening/night topwater bite dwindled, it was craw time for bass and a slow rolling spinnerbait scuffing the bottom proved most effective.

Few folks really get into this and it's not a "covering water" technique, but if you've got the right bottom w/o alot of swivel grabbing moss it works. I liken this retrieve to a rythmic thump rather than the typical whir of most spinnerbait retrieves. Much like a slow Cleo or KO wobbler that wags hard but never really turns over. It's a single, large Colorado thing and you know it's right by feel. Never could really get it with willows or tandems. Alot of the time the take would be a simple interuption of the blade/thump. It's slow, but if your on 'em and know the structure of the water your on and can avoid snags/moss at night, it's one more possibility in the bag of tricks.

Your water may be different, but my theory on night bass in deeper Indiana pits is analogous to grocery shopping. One look at these lakes with a flashlight and all one can see is craws...BIG craws. Less than two feet between any two, their numders twice the population of China! Seems the bass just cruise low on the bank and pick the slower ones in there path, heck with those that require effort or chase. Kinda like us walking the isles of a grocery store, food everywhere for near effortless taking. Slow rolling thumpers get ate:). Reckon the blade thump and speed is easy to home in on. If anyone does this, do remember to "moonlight check" the profile of any debris or moss gobs you spinnerbait may have picked up before cleaning it off...some have very large claws and bad attitudes. That's also a good indication of proper slow roll speed for Indianer pit bassin' in the pm. May work in other waters sometimes, too. Good luck and have fun. jrav

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Thanks to both of you for the replies.

I was thinking of throwing a Buzz,big worm,and a spinnerbait only,all night to keep it simple.

jrav,after reading your post I now know to keep with the SB and just slow roll/swim her when the bite gets tough.Fishing from 6pm-7am tx.It's gonna slow down sometime,Thanks!

Had an 18+lb bag twice in this tx and would love to repeat that this year 8O

Sorry 'bout the pic,I guess it's too big :?










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I was testing the concept this lure is based on and had to congratulate the inventor once I had found that the product I was planning on building had already been patented. Here is a link to his patent http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO2&Sect2=HITOFF&p=1&u=/netahtml/search-bool.html&r=45&f=G&l=50&co1=AND&d=ptxt&s1=Bruce.INZZ.&s2=Young.INZZ.&OS=IN/Bruce+AND+IN/Young&RS=IN/Bruce+AND+IN/Young

You should be able to get in touch with Bruce Young through this phone number 407 330 0637. From the looks of his domain registration he may have sold the domain to DK Lures. Let me know if the number doesn?t work so I can work on digging up a contact for you.

From the testing I have done I know that fish cannot resist a laser light, they just have to smack it for some reason.

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try throwing a 5/8 ounce black spinnerbait with a single #5 colorodo blade. fish it almost like a worm just raising it enough till you feel the blade begin to turn then dropping it back to the bottom while you take up the slack in your line. The key is very slow, wont get many bites, however the ones you do get are usually good quality. remember fish it as slow as you would a worm

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Up here In Nor Cal I throw 3 main baits. A 5/8 oz black spinnerbait w/ #6 copper colorado blade (Slow roll). A 1/2 oz black & brown jig w/ a junebug Power Hog trailer and a 10" black or junebug power worm. Guys that I fish with also have good luck throwing dark senkos when the fish are suspended near brush and trees. The larger swimbaits do have their palce also.

Mr B

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We throw hair jigs with a small pork trailer. Purple or black with an orange, yes I said orange pork trailer. Them big old smallmouth and spotted bass lovem'. Also a red bandit crankbait along with the baits you've already listed. Good luck!

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